Saturday, 22 March 2008

Once Upon A Time Challenge II

I'm lazy, so I'll repost what I wrote in Carl's blog right after posting Vellum and Englishmen and then reading Chris' blog:

"I’m in again this year! Very fitting that I started on Vellum by Hal Duncan,
then chanced upon Chris’ blog entry about this challenge. Coincidentally, Chris’
blog was where I first read about the challenge last year!

My list for Quest the First shall be:
Vellum, Hal Duncan
Ink, Hal
His Dark Materials Trilogy & Lyra’s Oxford, Philip

Serendipitously, 3 of the above are books that I’d chosen from the library
just this morning!"

Oh no ... I just noticed I wrote 3 sentences with exclamation marks ... I'm so indiscriminate ... !!!


To review, here's the criteria for Quest the First for the Once Upon A Time Challenge II:

"Read at least 5 books that fit somewhere within the Once Upon a Time II criteria. They might all be fantasy, or folklore, or fairy tales, or mythology…or your five books might be a combination from the four genres."

My edited reading list:

Vellum, Hal Duncan
Ink, Hal Duncan
His Dark Materials Trilogy & Lyra’s Oxford, Philip Pulman
My Sword Hand is Singing, Marcus Sedgwick
Book of Dead Days, Marcus Sedgwick

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